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Is m19 a magical tool?

I’ll be honest; M19 is not a magical tool. While there are a few who seem to believe that simply connecting to M19 (without doing anything else) will yield results, such individuals are in the minority.

When it comes to using M19, there are only two things we ask for:
– Correctly setting up the initial configuration
– Maintaining settings periodically, say, every other week for the first month of operation

If the initial setup is done correctly, maintenance will only take a few minutes.

However, there are some agencies or sellers who find it challenging to comply… From our end, we can only say, ‘These are the recommended settings. Please make these changes.’ But even that seems difficult at times. Ultimately, what I find frustrating is that actions won’t sustain unless undertaken proactively. Even if changes are made passively, M19 will improve. While such usage is acceptable, I can’t help but feel it’s a bit wasteful… Or is it just me? (musing)

Furthermore, with the right strategy, M19 can execute detailed operations that would be impossible manually in just a few minutes of setup. Yet, devising the strategy is a human task. Among the benefits of using AI tools like M19, I believe one is the significant reduction in time for tasks like adjusting bid amounts, adding or excluding keywords, thus freeing up time for tasks only humans can do (like business planning or strategy development).

The results obtained vary greatly depending on usage. For example, consider the following case study. Even I was surprised by the extent of the difference.

– Duration: Same (2 weeks)
– Targeted products: Same
– Keyword strategy: Same
– Bidding strength strategy: Different for one part only
– Algorithm mode: Different

The last two are clearly different. This demonstrates that if settings are not correct, such significant differences can occur. (To be honest, this is the first time such a clear difference has emerged.)”

We have a complete manual available in Japanese, and starting from April 2024, we will handle the initial setup for all accounts. Please feel assured in using our service.

Best regards,

Kaori Iino
Executive Officer