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Unforgettable Internship Experience at SOPHOLA

The internship experience at SOPHOLA, Inc. has been incredible. Not just from the professional point of view but also from the personal one. In Japan, I discovered a new work reality, new colleagues, but above all, people that I can consider friends.

I can remember the first weeks. I was scared, unaware, and amazed by the incoming experience. The early days at SOPHOLA, Inc. has been extremely challenging. I have made a lot of mistakes, and I had some harsh moments during the path. Nonetheless, it was through the falls, the hard times, and the lessons of my Mentor that I have improved and got better at the Company.

As a result, on March 17th, 2020, I had the opportunity to present for the first time, my data report to a client. Before the meeting, I was excited but also a bit scared. Reporting your analysis to a client is not as presenting your review to your supervisor. You need to be prepared to question, in depth-analysis, and confidence in your speaking. In this sense, once I started the video call, I realized the opportunity to show the client and my colleagues the work I have done. As well as the insights and benefits I could have brought to them. That was a unique and a real-life business event that many companies do not give to interns. For this reason, I am very grateful to my Boss for the opportunity he gave to me. In the end, He was happy about the pitch and me more than Him.

At SOPHOLA, Inc. I learned that every day is the first day. No matter your status, like student or employee, you need to prove your value, passion, and dedication. Therefore, the determination to achieve the goals, the correctness in present results, and your respect to others.

Nevertheless, even though my stay in Japan is almost finished. I still have a lot of things to do. Like deepening my knowledge in Adscale AI, challenge myself with new tasks, duties, and responsibilities but also meet new people as the work experience goes on.

When I landed in Japan, I didn’t expect all the things that I am living in now. Neither the time nor the unforgettable moments that all the team at SOPHOLA, Inc. shared with me outside the business hours. My internship here has been a changing moment in my life. It opened my eyes to new horizons, perspectives, and ambitions; opportunities that probably I would not have experienced in my country.

This blog post will not be the last one, yet a record of my internship experience so far at SOPHOLA, Inc. In April 2020, the coronavirus is creating troubles in EU by limiting my future visit at Adscale AI. Let’s see what is going to happen. In the worst-case scenario, smart working will be the means to continue the internship tasks.

Hope that everything will be fine in the next months, this virus is creating a lot of troubles for everyone.

Thanks for reading.
See you in the next posts,

Paolo Schiavulli