
Empower and Revitalize Japan for Next Generation

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About Stress Relief

Sometimes, I want to write about everyday life!

How do you all relieve stress?
In my experience, many women seem to struggle with stress relief. (Maybe it’s just the people around me…)

I’m also really bad at relieving stress, haha.
With work, housework, and childcare… when there’s so much to do, spending time on hobbies instead of tackling those tasks actually becomes another source of stress. That leads to a vicious cycle of accumulating stress, and it was really hard for me to break out of it.

But now, I think I’ve finally found a way to relieve stress that works for me.

– Letting someone else handle childcare for a bit!
– Not overloading myself with work, but instead respecting my own pace!

It’s probably also because my kids have grown up a little (they’re 2 and 4 years old now), but after I was able to fully embrace these two things, I started being able to spend time on refreshing myself.

For me, refreshing means:

– Even if it’s just once every three months, going to Tokyo to visit a hair salon or enjoy a nice meal with friends!
I lived in Tokyo for a long time, so going back there occasionally and having fun is a great way to refresh!
– I’m really into boxercise!
I used to love it when I was single, and trying it again after a long time feels amazing!

I might not be able to balance everything perfectly, but just trying to maintain a bit of balance seems to lead to mental stability, and I feel like everything falls into place. That’s how I’m feeling these days!

Executive Officer
Kaori Iino