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[Others] What I was able to have done in this term/challenges for the next term

Since this term will end at the end of March, I would like to review this quarter and the outlook for the next term.

<What I have done>
-Sales: New sales of in-house tools / JME services.
-Tool Customer Support (CS): CS support for both domestic and overseas companies.
-Manage the advertising account: Manage brands advertising
-In-house back-end work: background work such as billing and various chores.
-Education of internal members (including interns): Education of operational advertising for new members

<What I did>
-Sales: Proposal / Order of advertising in JME client
-Tool Customer Support (CS): Streamline support with a task management tool. Organize support documentation.
-Advertising account operation: Increased amount of operation account
-Education of internal members (including interns): Lectures on operational advertising for interns.

This quarter focused on JME sales and customer support for tools. On the sales front, issues remain in terms of acquiring leads and making proposals, as in the previous year, but changes and improvements are being made step by step, such as by changing the sales region or product to be proposed. Regarding customer support, English-language support started this term, but with the help of Sebastian, we managed to get over it successfully. Regarding support, the introduction of a task management tool has eliminated omissions/delays in response, making progress management smoother.

On the other hand, there are also the following issues. None of them can be solved immediately, but we hope to make adjustments in our company documents/rules and in contracts with customers.

-Growth potential: ① Sales growth of existing businesses ② Individual skill development
-Profitability: ①Earnings of initial man-hours in stock-type profit model tools
-Education: ① Organize in-house education documents, etc. ② In-house education system (secure time for educators)

In the next fiscal year, we will continue to work on customer support for major services, and as the number of new company members increases, we hope to spend more time improving our internal support system.
