Empower and Revitalize Japan for Next Generation
We will create innovative businesses for solving Japanese social issues by being a bridge between Japan and the world.
Consulting and Outsourcing Business
Let us be your marketing partner to realize the state-of-art marketing for you
In this digital world, marketing has been shaped into a complex form as the user-behaviors are diversifed and technology is advanced. SOPHOLA offers a wide range of the pin-pointed solutions such as utlizing advanced global marketing tech, building your marketing team, and supporting your marketing activities.

1. Business Consulting
Our business consulting entails “1. Mid-Term Business Plan” / “2. Existing Business Enhancement” / “3. New Business Development” for our clients such as ad agecies and advertisers.
Mid-Term Business Plan
We support your business growth by creating a realistic growth plan based on current data and planning a new business as well as existing business.
- 3-Year-Business Plan
- Service development
- Team Building
Existing Business Enhancement
We contribute to growing your existing business by solving the issues, proposing countermeasures, and managing projects with advanced technology platform.
- KPI Setting
- Project Management
- Growth Plan
- Marketing Platform
New Business Development
We drive your business growth by creating new business, making synergies with your existing business. For example, we realize business expansion by consistently conducting proof of concept of new business and the project management as well as selection and negotiation of new business partners.
- New Business Search
- Contract Negotiation
- POC [Proof of Concept]
- Project Management
2. Marketing Consulting
Our marketing consulting entails “1. Marketing Strategy” / “2. Standardization” / “3. Education” for clients such as ad agencies and advertisers
Marketing Strategy
We make the business plan with existing and new businesses by analyzing a client company and competitors in existing / new business area. By analyzing each measure, we use an improvement cycle and drive its business.
- Market research
- Cross-service strategy
- Effect measurement
We improve work efficiency by summarizing checkpoints/setting items on usage and structuring the work with the tool/work frame.
- Create manual
- Operation scheme
We work out a study session to disseminate the latest knowledge and information about the tools and performance-based advertisements within the company. In addition, we support the growth of internal talent by learning program to “On the Job Training”.
- Training session
- On the Job training
3. Marketing Outsourcing
With global advanced artificial intelligence technology provided by global tech firms that are still unseen in Japan's market, we support ad agencies and advisers to better utilize web analytics and optimize paid search ad campaigns. (We will later expand our outsourcing service portfolio to display ad campaigns and creative optimization.)
Actual action planning and execution are taken care on our end, but our best practices are shared with our clients upon request.
- Action Planning
- Action Management
- Analyses/Optimization
4. AdScale Enterprise & AdScale Ecommerce
SOPHOLA is AdScale's exclusive partner in APAC, supporting both AdScale Enterprise and AdScale Ecommerce. We support APAC ad agencies and enterprise level brands to manage, optimise and automate digital advertising using the AdScale Enterprise platform. AdScale E-Commerce is a fully-automated marketing platform for e-commerce sites, developed with original AI technology, with the slogan "Be Your Own Agency". Get started with streamlined advertising or improve your current advertising performance. See the details below for each solution.
AdScale Enterprise
With first class support from SOPHOLA, improve your ad performance using AdScale's innovative functions.
- Automate Multi-platform Ad Campaigns with Bid & Budget Optimisation Powered by Machine Learning
- Smart 1-click Recommendations
- Customisable Scheduled White-label Reports
AdScale Ecommerce
Leverage the same powerful bid and budget optimisation as the fully-fledged enterprise version but in a more streamlined fully automated package.
- The same Bid & Budget Optimisation Powered by Machine Learning as Enterprise
- Automatic Campaign Creation
- Automatic Connection between Ads and Product Feed
5. Support Global Tech Firms to Enter into Japan's Market
We will promote advancing AI/marketing tech in Japan by helping global tech firms to enter into this market and scale their businesses.
Market Entry Support
We run a few pilots with your potential clients for proof-of-concept purposes, and help you find your local business partner to enter into this market and expand your business here.
- Potential Partner Selection/Negotiation
- Biz/Product/Sales Strategy-Making
- Operation
- Localization for JP market
6. Support Global Brands to Enter into Japan's Market
Using our wealth of experience and advanced AI/marketing tech we support global brands enter the Japanese market and scale their businesses.
Market Entry Support
Your one-stop shop for market entry. We handle your marketing, manage your marketplaces and e-commerce, and help you find your local business partner to enter into this market and expand your business here.
- Marketing
- E-commerce & Marketplaces
- Localization
- Partner Selection/Negotiation
Please check our result on CLIENTS/PARTNERS or BLOG.
Oversea B2B E-commerce Business
Let us be your storyteller for the rest of the world.
We tackle on the social issues: local depopulation, aging craftsmanship, spreading Japan’s appeal on the globe through our support for corporates/individuals with strong intention to expand the businesses to European and US markets. For example, we strive to change the domestic market situation where our outstanding traditional crafts and special products nationwide centered on Nagano are disappearing by local revitalization/inheritance and appeal of Japanese culture.
Local Revitalization
We support local revitalization through
- Expand business opportunities for local special products/crafts
- Create attractive job opportunities
- Establish work environment people love
Craftsmanship Support
We help sustain Japan's culture through
- Grow the craftsman population
- Pass the traditional art down to the next generation
- Create a new culture
Spreading Japan's Appeal
We spead Japan's appeal worldwide by
- Sell Japanese special products/crafts in global markets
- Promote understanding/penetration of Japanese culture with these goods
1. Support the expanding to a foreign market
We will offer the following consulting services for businesses from Nagano and other local areas which plan to expand their fine traditional and local items to global markets on top of the shrinking local markets.
Market Response Analysis
We will find right global companies which are willing to test those traditional and local items, and receive valuable feedbacks from them for the product development purpose.
Global Market Entry
After developing the products for global markets, we will provide the local merchants a further assistance in finding global partners in the U.S. and Europe for their global market entry.