Empower and Revitalize Japan for Next Generation
Stay tuned by taking a look at our business updates.Moreover, there will be some useful information for you.
[Update: Marketing] Entry into overseas markets and trial and error of support methods
In 2020, communication with overseas companies has increased. At the same time, it has been required to review […]
2020.02.09 Sun
Taking stock of the progress so far
As I mentioned in my last blog post I detailed some of the marketing events and campaigns that SOPHOLA will be […]
2020.02.07 Fri
New Marketing Efforts in 2020 and key takeaways
In the final quarter of the calendar year, my team members and I looked at new marketing strategies to expand […]
2020.01.24 Fri
[Update: Marketing] Japan Market Entry
From this term, together with my co-worker Sebastian, we have started an inbound service for overseas companie […]
2019.12.07 Sat
Newly Added Business Values
The JME (Japan Market Entry) support service newly launched by Sebastian, which was taken up in the previous b […]
2019.12.06 Fri
Reason and Meaning of SOPHOLA Winning “Top 50 Tech Companies Award” at Intercon
SOPHOLA was awarded Japan’s first “Top50 Tech Companies Award” at a technology event called Intercon hel […]
2019.10.26 Sat
Bring your products to a wider Japanese audience on Rakuten, Amazon and Yahoo! Shopping
As I mentioned in my previous post, launching a localised Japanese store and using AdScale eCommerce to bring […]
2019.10.25 Fri
Launch your brand successfully in Japan with AdScale ad automation and optimisation
Once you have set up your Japanese Shopify store with automated Amazon FBA inventory sync and fulfilment as de […]
2019.10.03 Thu
Introducing a low-risk, streamlined approach to launching and strengthening your brand in Japan
We frequently get contacted by brands that are interested in launching in Japan. Particularly newer brands int […]
2019.09.30 Mon
AdScale & the dreaded black box
Anyone who has spent any amount of time working in Japan will be familiar with how detail and process oriented […]
2019.09.13 Fri
AI Marketing Tools in Japan: Introduction
This is my first blog post since joining Sophola earlier this month. Going into a new environment is always ch […]
2019.08.29 Thu
Essences of Successful Alliance Partnerships
Today, went to stop by Slush Tokyo because Joy, Founder & CEO of my business partner kindly invited me to […]
2019.02.22 Fri